

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Free Online Classes 24x7 (HP Learning Center)

This is one of the most useful website that I have encountered. lt will sharpen your knowledge and skills in IT. The good news, it is FREE. The only requirements : Internet connection, free registration and your TIME to complete each lesson. The current classes offering include:
  • At Home
  • At Work
  • Business
  • Business Basics
  • Digital Entertainment
  • Digital Photography
  • Home Office
  • IT Professionals
  • Life Style
  • Microsoft Office and Adode
  • PC security and maintenance
  • Technology
To give you an overview, the current classes according to the above classifications:

At home:
  1.  Beginner's guide to saving, printing and sharing your digital photos (v2)
  2. Beyond basics: fundamental photography techniques (SEO)
  3. Camera composition: change your perspective (SEO)
  4. Color your business: develop a marketing color scheme (Cap w/VO SEO)
  5. Create and print your own high-quality marketing materials (SEO)
  6. Creating an interactive marketing brochure (quick lesson) (SEO)
  7. Creating a distinctive identity: business cards, stationery and more (v3 SEO)
  8. Creative gifts to make from photos (v2 SEO)
  9. Facebook and Twitter: getting started (quick lesson) (v2)
  10. Five common photo problems and how to solve them (quick lesson v2)
  11. Getting started with LightScribe (SEO) (quick lesson)
  12. Get organized: managing time, space and paper (v2 hp)
  13. Go wireless: using Bluetooth to connect and print (quick lesson SEO)
  14. Intermediate website design (SEO)
  15. Is your digital media collection outgrowing your PC? (v2 SEO)
  16. Keep your kids safe on the internet: creating an internet use action plan (quick lesson)
  17. Keep your kids safe on the internet: know your risks (quick lesson)
  18. Laptop PCs: basic troubleshooting and repair (SEO) (quick lesson)
  19. Laptop PCs: troubleshooting wireless problems (SEO) (quick lesson)
  20. Mastering email: keep your inbox clutter-free (Cap w/VO)
  21. Microsoft® Access 2007: introduction (SEO RM)
  22. Microsoft® ASP.NET 3.5: beginner's guide (v3 SEO RM)
  23. Microsoft® Outlook 2007: tips and tricks (SEO RM)
  24. Microsoft® Windows® 7: tune up your PC (v2 SEO RM)
  25. Microsoft® Windows® XP: tune up your PC (v2 SEO)
  26. Migrating from Microsoft® Windows® XP to Windows® 7 (SEO)
  27. Networking 101 (v2 SEO)
  28. Online social networking (SEO) (quick lesson)
  29. Organize, archive and retrieve your digital photos (quick lesson)
  30. Photo restoration basics: preserve your family photos (v2 SEO)
  31. Practical Wi-Fi security (quick lesson)
  32. Printing photos in any size (quick lesson) (SEO)
  33. Print marketing materials in-house on a wide-format printer (SEO)
  34. Print without your PC (SEO)
  35. Protect your PC from spam, spyware and viruses (SEO)
  36. Safe online gaming (quick lesson)
  37. Scanning basics (v4 SEO)
  38. Simple backup strategies with HP Backup and Recovery Manager (SEO RM) (quick lesson with podcast)
  39. Small business survival tips (quick lesson)
  40. Spam breakdown (quick lesson)
  41. Spyware basics (quick lesson)
  42. Take a tour of Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional (quick lesson)
  43. Technology and your elementary school student (quick lesson)
  44. Technology and your high school student (quick lesson)
  45. Technology and your middle school student (quick lesson)
  46. Ten tips for printing better marketing materials in-house (quick lesson) (SEO) v2
  47. What makes a good small business video? (quick lesson) (SEO)
  48. Wireless networking with Microsoft® Windows® 7 (quick lesson) (SEO)
  49. Wireless printing basics (SEO) (quick lesson)

At Work
  1.  Color your business: develop a marketing color scheme (Cap w/VO SEO)
  2. Create marketing materials that align with your goals (quick lesson) (SEO)
  3. Customizing business envelopes and automating postage (quick lesson) (RM) (SEO)
  4. Disaster preparedness through virtualization (SEO quick lesson)
  5. Editing great small business videos (SEO RM)
  6. Facebook and Twitter: getting started (quick lesson) (v2)
  7. Getting connected with mobile broadband (Notebook)
  8. How-To Guide: Improve ROI by investing in a mobile workforce (quick lesson) (SEO)
  9. HP Backup and Recovery Manager: restore files (Cap w/VO)
  10. HP Backup and Recovery Manager: schedule backups (Cap w/VO)
  11. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: enable Smart Card security (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  12. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: using BIOS Configuration (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  13. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: using single sign-on (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  14. Intermediate website design (SEO)
  15. Introduction to storage networks (v3 SEO)
  16. Is your digital media collection outgrowing your PC? (v2 SEO)
  17. IT infrastructure and its challenges: outsource or hire? (SEO quick lesson)
  18. Keep your kids safe on the internet: creating an internet use action plan (quick lesson)
  19. Keep your kids safe on the internet: know your risks (quick lesson)
  20. Laptop PCs: basic troubleshooting and repair (SEO) (quick lesson)
  21. Laptop PCs: troubleshooting wireless problems (SEO) (quick lesson)
  22. Linux 201: administering Linux for users (v4 SEO RM)
  23. Linux 301: introduction to Linux system administration (v3 SEO)
  24. Linux 401: intermediate system administration skills (v2 SEO RM)
  25. Marketing writing tips: five mistakes to avoid (quick lesson) (SEO)
  26. Mastering email: keep your inbox clutter-free (Cap w/VO)
  27. Microsoft® Access 2007: introduction (SEO RM)
  28. Microsoft® ASP.NET 3.5: beginner's guide (v3 SEO RM)
  29. Microsoft® OneNote: creating and using notebooks (Cap w/VO)
  30. Microsoft® OneNote: getting started (Cap w/VO)
  31. Microsoft® Outlook 2007: tips and tricks (SEO RM)
  32. Microsoft® Windows® 7: tune up your PC (v2 SEO RM)
  33. Microsoft® Windows® XP: tune up your PC (v2 SEO)
  34. Migrating from Microsoft® Windows® XP to Windows® 7 (SEO)
  35. Networking 101 (v2 SEO)
  36. Network attached storage (v3 SEO)
  37. Planning closed loop client lifecycles (SEO)
  38. Practical Wi-Fi security (quick lesson)
  39. Print marketing materials in-house on a wide-format printer (SEO)
  40. Protect your data: back up to disk, tape, the network and beyond (v3 SEO)
  41. Protect your PC from spam, spyware and viruses (SEO)
  42. Safe online gaming (quick lesson)
  43. Save money, be energy efficient (v2 SEO)
  44. Save on travel expenses with online collaboration (quick lesson)
  45. Servers 101 (v3 RM)
  46. Shooting great small business videos (SEO RM)
  47. Simple backup strategies with HP Backup and Recovery Manager (SEO RM) (quick lesson with podcast)
  48. Six steps to computer security (quick lesson)
  49. Small business survival tips (quick lesson)
  50. Spam breakdown (quick lesson)
  51. Spyware basics (quick lesson)
  52. Streamline your business with unified communications and collaboration (SEO)
  53. Streamline your organization through shared services (quick lesson)
  54. Take a tour of Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional (quick lesson)
  55. Ten tips for printing better marketing materials in-house (quick lesson) (SEO) v2
  56. Transition your old IT assets (quick lesson)
  57. Understanding Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 (SEO)
  58. Use color-coding to prioritize your email (Cap w/VO)
  59. Use Google Desktop to find and retrieve what you need (Cap w/VO)
  60. Virtualize your infrastructure: deployment (v2 SEO)
  61. Virtualize your infrastructure: planning (v2 SEO)
  62. What makes a good small business video? (quick lesson) (SEO)
  63. Wireless networking with Bluetooth (SEO) (quick lesson)
  1. Create and print your own high-quality marketing materials (SEO)
  2. Creating an interactive marketing brochure (quick lesson) (SEO)
  3. Creating a distinctive identity: business cards, stationery and more (v3 SEO)
  4. Editing great small business videos (SEO RM)
  5. Is your digital media collection outgrowing your PC? (v2 SEO)
  6. Print marketing materials in-house on a wide-format printer (SEO)
  7. Save on travel expenses with online collaboration (quick lesson)
  8. Shooting great small business videos (SEO RM)
  9. Small business survival tips (quick lesson)
  10. Streamline your business with unified communications and collaboration (SEO)
  11. Use color-coding to prioritize your email (Cap w/VO)
  12. Use Google Desktop to find and retrieve what you need (Cap w/VO)

Business Basics
  1.  Color your business: develop a marketing color scheme (Cap w/VO SEO)
  2. Create marketing materials that align with your goals (quick lesson) (SEO)
  3. Customizing business envelopes and automating postage (quick lesson) (RM) (SEO)
  4. Editing great small business videos (SEO RM)
  5. Facebook and Twitter: getting started (quick lesson) (v2)
  6. Intermediate website design (SEO)
  7. Is your digital media collection outgrowing your PC? (v2 SEO)
  8. Marketing writing tips: five mistakes to avoid (quick lesson) (SEO)
  9. Mastering email: keep your inbox clutter-free (Cap w/VO)
  10. Microsoft® OneNote: creating and using notebooks (Cap w/VO)
  11. Microsoft® OneNote: getting started (Cap w/VO)
  12. Networking 101 (v2 SEO)
  13. Print marketing materials in-house on a wide-format printer (SEO)
  14. Save money, be energy efficient (v2 SEO)
  15. Save on travel expenses with online collaboration (quick lesson)
  16. Shooting great small business videos (SEO RM)
  17. Small business survival tips (quick lesson)
  18. Ten tips for printing better marketing materials in-house (quick lesson) (SEO) v2
  19. Use color-coding to prioritize your email (Cap w/VO)
  20. Use Google Desktop to find and retrieve what you need (Cap w/VO)
  21. What makes a good small business video? (quick lesson) (SEO)
Digital Entertainment
  1. Organize, archive and retrieve your digital photos (quick lesson)
  2. What makes a good small business video? (quick lesson) (SEO)
Digital Photography
  1. Beginner's guide to saving, printing and sharing your digital photos (v2)
  2. Beyond basics: fundamental photography techniques (SEO)
  3. Camera composition: change your perspective (SEO)
  4. Five common photo problems and how to solve them (quick lesson v2)
  5. Organize, archive and retrieve your digital photos (quick lesson)
  6. Photo restoration basics: preserve your family photos (v2 SEO)
  7. Printing photos in any size (quick lesson) (SEO)
  8. Scanning basics (v4 SEO)
Home Office
  1. Color your business: develop a marketing color scheme (Cap w/VO SEO)
  2. Create and print your own high-quality marketing materials (SEO)
  3. Creating an interactive marketing brochure (quick lesson) (SEO)
  4. Creating a distinctive identity: business cards, stationery and more (v3 SEO)
  5. Creative gifts to make from photos (v2 SEO)
  6. Facebook and Twitter: getting started (quick lesson) (v2)
  7. Getting started with LightScribe (SEO) (quick lesson)
  8. Get organized: managing time, space and paper (v2 hp)
  9. Go wireless: using Bluetooth to connect and print (quick lesson SEO)
  10. Intermediate website design (SEO)
  11. Is your digital media collection outgrowing your PC? (v2 SEO)
  12. Laptop PCs: basic troubleshooting and repair (SEO) (quick lesson)
  13. Laptop PCs: troubleshooting wireless problems (SEO) (quick lesson)
  14. Mastering email: keep your inbox clutter-free (Cap w/VO)
  15. Microsoft® Windows® 7: tune up your PC (v2 SEO RM)
  16. Migrating from Microsoft® Windows® XP to Windows® 7 (SEO)
  17. Networking 101 (v2 SEO)
  18. Online social networking (SEO) (quick lesson)
  19. Organize, archive and retrieve your digital photos (quick lesson)
  20. Practical Wi-Fi security (quick lesson)
  21. Print marketing materials in-house on a wide-format printer (SEO)
  22. Print without your PC (SEO)
  23. Simple backup strategies with HP Backup and Recovery Manager (SEO RM) (quick lesson with podcast)
  24. Small business survival tips (quick lesson)
  25. Technology and your elementary school student (quick lesson)
  26. Technology and your high school student (quick lesson)
  27. Technology and your middle school student (quick lesson)
  28. Ten tips for printing better marketing materials in-house (quick lesson) (SEO) v2
  29. What makes a good small business video? (quick lesson) (SEO)
  30. Wireless networking with Microsoft® Windows® 7 (quick lesson) (SEO)
  31. Wireless printing basics (SEO) (quick lesson)
IT Professionals
  1.  Disaster preparedness through virtualization (SEO quick lesson)
  2. Getting connected with mobile broadband (Notebook)
  3. How-To Guide: Improve ROI by investing in a mobile workforce (quick lesson) (SEO)
  4. HP Backup and Recovery Manager: restore files (Cap w/VO)
  5. HP Backup and Recovery Manager: schedule backups (Cap w/VO)
  6. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: enable Smart Card security (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  7. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: using BIOS Configuration (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  8. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: using single sign-on (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  9. Introduction to storage networks (v3 SEO)
  10. IT infrastructure and its challenges: outsource or hire? (SEO quick lesson)
  11. Linux 201: administering Linux for users (v4 SEO RM)
  12. Linux 301: introduction to Linux system administration (v3 SEO)
  13. Linux 401: intermediate system administration skills (v2 SEO RM)
  14. Microsoft® ASP.NET 3.5: beginner's guide (v3 SEO RM)
  15. Network attached storage (v3 SEO)
  16. Planning closed loop client lifecycles (SEO)
  17. Practical Wi-Fi security (quick lesson)
  18. Protect your data: back up to disk, tape, the network and beyond (v3 SEO)
  19. Servers 101 (v3 RM)
  20. Simple backup strategies with HP Backup and Recovery Manager (SEO RM) (quick lesson with podcast)
  21. Six steps to computer security (quick lesson)
  22. Streamline your business with unified communications and collaboration (SEO)
  23. Streamline your organization through shared services (quick lesson)
  24. Transition your old IT assets (quick lesson)
  25. Understanding Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 (SEO)
  26. Virtualize your infrastructure: deployment (v2 SEO)
  27. Virtualize your infrastructure: planning (v2 SEO)
  28. Wireless networking with Bluetooth (SEO) (quick lesson)
Life Style
  1.  Facebook and Twitter: getting started (quick lesson) (v2)
  2. Get organized: managing time, space and paper (v2 hp)
Microsoft Office and Adode
  1.  Microsoft® Access 2007: introduction (SEO RM)
  2. Microsoft® ASP.NET 3.5: beginner's guide (v3 SEO RM)
  3. Microsoft® Outlook 2007: tips and tricks (SEO RM)
  4. Take a tour of Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional (quick lesson)
PC security and maintenance
  1.  Keep your kids safe on the internet: creating an internet use action plan (quick lesson)
  2. Keep your kids safe on the internet: know your risks (quick lesson)
  3. Laptop PCs: basic troubleshooting and repair (SEO) (quick lesson)
  4. Laptop PCs: troubleshooting wireless problems (SEO) (quick lesson)
  5. Microsoft® Windows® 7: tune up your PC (v2 SEO RM)
  6. Microsoft® Windows® XP: tune up your PC (v2 SEO)
  7. Migrating from Microsoft® Windows® XP to Windows® 7 (SEO)
  8. Protect your PC from spam, spyware and viruses (SEO)
  9. Safe online gaming (quick lesson)
  10. Simple backup strategies with HP Backup and Recovery Manager (SEO RM) (quick lesson with podcast)
  11. Spam breakdown (quick lesson)
  12. Spyware basics (quick lesson)
  13. Wireless networking with Microsoft® Windows® 7 (quick lesson) (SEO)
  1.  Beginner's guide to saving, printing and sharing your digital photos (v2)
  2. Beyond basics: fundamental photography techniques (SEO)
  3. Camera composition: change your perspective (SEO)
  4. Color your business: develop a marketing color scheme (Cap w/VO SEO)
  5. Create marketing materials that align with your goals (quick lesson) (SEO)
  6. Creative gifts to make from photos (v2 SEO)
  7. Customizing business envelopes and automating postage (quick lesson) (RM) (SEO)
  8. Disaster preparedness through virtualization (SEO quick lesson)
  9. Five common photo problems and how to solve them (quick lesson v2)
  10. Getting connected with mobile broadband (Notebook)
  11. Getting started with LightScribe (SEO) (quick lesson)
  12. Go wireless: using Bluetooth to connect and print (quick lesson SEO)
  13. How-To Guide: Improve ROI by investing in a mobile workforce (quick lesson) (SEO)
  14. HP Backup and Recovery Manager: restore files (Cap w/VO)
  15. HP Backup and Recovery Manager: schedule backups (Cap w/VO)
  16. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: enable Smart Card security (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  17. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: using BIOS Configuration (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  18. HP ProtectTools Security Manager: using single sign-on (Cap w/VO) -- GE
  19. HP ProtectTools: security at your fingertips (quick lesson with podcast)
  20. Intermediate website design (SEO)
  21. Introduction to storage networks (v3 SEO)
  22. IT infrastructure and its challenges: outsource or hire? (SEO quick lesson)
  23. Keep your kids safe on the internet: creating an internet use action plan (quick lesson)
  24. Keep your kids safe on the internet: know your risks (quick lesson)
  25. Laptop PCs: basic troubleshooting and repair (SEO) (quick lesson)
  26. Laptop PCs: troubleshooting wireless problems (SEO) (quick lesson)
  27. Linux 201: administering Linux for users (v4 SEO RM)
  28. Linux 301: introduction to Linux system administration (v3 SEO)
  29. Linux 401: intermediate system administration skills (v2 SEO RM)
  30. Marketing writing tips: five mistakes to avoid (quick lesson) (SEO)
  31. Mastering email: keep your inbox clutter-free (Cap w/VO)
  32. Microsoft® Access 2007: introduction (SEO RM)
  33. Microsoft® ASP.NET 3.5: beginner's guide (v3 SEO RM)
  34. Microsoft® OneNote: creating and using notebooks (Cap w/VO)
  35. Microsoft® OneNote: getting started (Cap w/VO)
  36. Microsoft® Outlook 2007: tips and tricks (SEO RM)
  37. Microsoft® Windows Vista: tune up your PC (SEO)
  38. Microsoft® Windows® 7: tune up your PC (v2 SEO RM)
  39. Microsoft® Windows® XP: tune up your PC (v2 SEO)
  40. Migrating from Microsoft® Windows® XP to Windows® 7 (SEO)
  41. Networking 101 (v2 SEO)
  42. Network attached storage (v3 SEO)
  43. Online social networking (SEO) (quick lesson)
  44. Photo restoration basics: preserve your family photos (v2 SEO)
  45. Planning closed loop client lifecycles (SEO)
  46. Practical Wi-Fi security (quick lesson)
  47. Printing photos in any size (quick lesson) (SEO)
  48. Print without your PC (SEO)
  49. Protect your data: back up to disk, tape, the network and beyond (v3 SEO)
  50. Protect your PC from spam, spyware and viruses (SEO)
  51. Safe online gaming (quick lesson)
  52. Save money, be energy efficient (v2 SEO)
  53. Scanning basics (v4 SEO)
  54. Servers 101 (v3 RM)
  55. Simple backup strategies with HP Backup and Recovery Manager (SEO RM) (quick lesson with podcast)
  56. Six steps to computer security (quick lesson)
  57. Spam breakdown (quick lesson)
  58. Spyware basics (quick lesson)
  59. Streamline your organization through shared services (quick lesson)
  60. Take a tour of Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional (quick lesson)
  61. Technology and your elementary school student (quick lesson)
  62. Technology and your high school student (quick lesson)
  63. Technology and your middle school student (quick lesson)
  64. Ten tips for printing better marketing materials in-house (quick lesson) (SEO) v2
  65. Transition your old IT assets (quick lesson)
  66. Understanding Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 (SEO)
  67. Virtualize your infrastructure: deployment (v2 SEO)
  68. Virtualize your infrastructure: planning (v2 SEO)
  69. Web connected printer (quick lesson)
  70. Wireless networking with Bluetooth (SEO) (quick lesson)
  71. Wireless networking with Microsoft® Windows® 7 (quick lesson) (SEO)
To register, go to HP Learning Center

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